
[Video] A/B Testing in Marketing; Your Secret Weapon

What Is A/B Testing?

A/B Testing is when you make two variations to measure against each other. In marketing, this means creating two or more ads for a similar purpose.

Using Google Ads as an example, it’s important to make two ads in the same ad group that use different headings, descriptions, landing pages, etc. Basically, anything that can be changed can be A/B Tested.

What Am I Looking For With A/B Testing?

When you’re A/B Testing, and, especially in a platform like Google Ads that gives you analytics to compare, you’re looking at performance. Which Google Ad was clicked more? Which email campaign has the highest open rate?

With that data, you can sit down and begin to understand the types of things that work well with your clients. Maybe they didn’t like one of your landing pages because it was too broad. A/B Testing may not be able to tell you why some things work better than others, but everyone can benefit from identifying and acting upon trends.

Google Ads Note*

One thing to be careful about when it comes to measuring your A/B Testing is that Google Ads has settings where they basically do the A/B Testing for you. Google will analyze which of your ads are doing the best and show those ones more. This will make it more obvious for you to compare, but keep in mind that the difference you’re seeing may not be accurate.

Don’t change your entire marketing plan just because it looks like one Google ad is doing 1000% better than the other one.

Keep your marketing evolving by using great marketing techniques like A/B Testing!

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