Friday Biz Tip #2: How to Make Bangin’ Visuals Without a Graphic Designer


In order to help all the lovely Saskatoon businesses thrive online, we started the #fridaybiztip. Our goal is to give you guys an online tip every Friday (or at least most) for you to hum and haw over the weekend.

#FRIDAYBIZTIP NO.2 – How to Make Bangin Visuals Without a Graphic Designer…For FREE!

How many of you are about 10x more likely to pay attention or read a social media post that uses a visual (photo, memes, GIFs, etc.) vs. just text?

Oh, that’s right… basically everyone! It is human nature. I think most people on this planet are more engaged by visual content. Visuals can often paint a picture that words simply cannot. The exception to this is of course, a novel. Again majority of the population can attest that the movie is just never quite as good as the book. However, when your business is posting on social media, creating a presentation, or putting up a poster there is simply no place to begin writing a novel, nor is that what your customers want to see.

Thus, a major online sub-biz tip: the best way to engage your audience or teach your audience is through visuals.

Here are some stats so you know I am not making this stuff up (it really is quite important):

  • Visual content is more than 40x more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content (Source)
  • Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images (Source)
  • Facebook posts with images see 2.3x more engagement than those without images (Source)
  • Articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images (Source)
  • People following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations (Source)

Okay, so it is official. Visuals are an important part of sharing your business’ content.

But how are you supposed to create these cool visuals? You’re a small local business, you don’t have the resources to have a graphic designer, photographer, or media specialist on staff. Nor do you have the time to learn fancy photo-shoppy software to create engaging material.

Queue #fridaybiztip

There are many quality and FREE online tools that you can utilize to create amazing visual content. Today we will spill the beans on one of our favourites: Canva.

Canva is a free tool that allows you to create all sorts of media for your business. It has pre-defined sizes for many of the most common mediums (i.e. Facebook cover photo, profile pic, Facebook Ads, Twitter posts, blog posts, postcards, invitations, presentation deck, etc.) No worries about trying to format and get your sizing right, Canva takes care of that for you.

It also has several predefined layout options that look bangin. This takes out a lot of the guess work when it comes to design, as they have fonts and colours already matched up for you.

You can pretty much customize anything in Canva. You can upload your own pictures, logo, or branding elements and use them in a Canva illustration as well. Basically, the sky is the limit. It is truly an amazing tool for small businesses who may not have the means or experience to create amazing visual content. It is easy to use, FREE (unless you want to use upgrade images), and accessible to anyone! All you have to do is sign up for an account and away you go! Locked and loaded with an awesome visual creation tool for all of your business needs (print, social media, website, presentations, etc.).

Hope this helps our awesome local Saskatoon businesses! And don’t worry, we practice what we preach. (See that awesome feature image on the top of the blog post? … Yup, thanks Canva!)

Click here to start using Canva for your business today!

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